Although Brephos is not a church, theology is for us paramount; we seek to approach the issue of abortion above all biblically.
The truths we believe – that God created, God is love, God will judge, heaven and hell exist – make all the difference to what we do.
Some doctrines pertain more directly to abortion, such as the doctrine of creation, but we believe that all the core doctrines are actually essential in shaping what we believe, say, and do – and why – when it comes to abortion and our engagement with the Church and with the world.
We earnestly pray that the Church will start to approach this issue from God’s point of view.
We desire to be: orthodox, gospel-centred, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, Christ-imitating, prophetic, evangelistic, biblical.
We love and believe in the local church.
We take the Bible as the final authority for theology and practice.
Whilst not exhaustive, we hold these beliefs to be true.
If you have any questions about what we believe and why, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.